Friday, May 31, 2013

5/31/13- Dramaturgy & Me

  1. I am a Senior at SHSU with a BFA in Theatre (Acting/Directing) and a Minor in Secondary Education.
  2. I am taking this Dramaturgy class because I feel that it will be an invaluable learning experience for me as a future director and educator. I would like to be able to check certain facts of a play, as well as ascertain whether or not the details conveyed are wholly accurate to the period in which the play is set.
  3. When I become a director and educator, I can definitely use the knowledge I glean from this course towards researching and preparing whatever play I am working on. I would like to be able to apply my research towards making my plays more accurate in their depictions of life. 
  4. This is my very first real experience in the field of dramaturgy.
  5. The play I will be researching in this course will be No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre.
No Exit

Thursday, May 30, 2013

5/30/13- Defining Dramaturgy

We use a great many aids which other actors and theatre people do not use since they don't see the necessity to use them, such as readings, literary studies, scientific works, political analysis, films, paintings, etc. -- actually things which are quite normal, but the difference is that we conduct this research in a relatively extensive and rigorous fashion. Then, during rehearsals, we start to push ourselves and to express things which we have grasped, understood, or sensed, by using our bodies and making some movements.
The play asks a question. A great play asks more than one. The job of the dramaturg is to help all the artists and the audience to ask the same question of themselves. The journey of the theater is self-discovery.
(Jayme Koszyn)

Gotthold Lessing, the Father of Dramaturgy